Not every groomer wants to groom cats !
Unlike the canine variety, they need different handling techniques and they have very thin skin so a lot more care and skill is required for these fluff balls.
And while you may think that they are keeping themselves clean by licking themselves this can cause them to ingest hairballs As careful and diligent as cats can be about cleaning themselves, longhairs have a particularly hard time working out the clumps and knots that can form on their haunches, belly and behind their ears.
Overweight cats and older cats with arthritis may have a hard time keeping their anal area clean as well, leading to discomfort, odour and possible illness.
Our cat grooming can be anything from a brush out to help you keep on top of their coat to a thorough bath with soap that’s specially formulated for your cat, whether they suffer from dry skin or have fleas or another issue.
Once your cat is squeaky clean, we comb through their fur and dry them until they are nice and fluffy. This process removes much of the dead skin cells and loose hair in your cat’s coat. That’s hair that isn’t on your furniture or clothes and does not get coughed up later in the form of a hairball. Remember to schedule extra cat grooming appointments during shedding season in the spring. Your cat will be more comfortable, and you’ll do less vacuumingne of the reasons your cat looks beautiful after cat grooming is because the natural oil in their coats is redistributed, leaving them glowing.
We recommend frequent brushing of long-haired and medium-haired cats after grooming to keep their fur looking nice and to help the results last longer.
Full groom to include bath & dry short hair from £55 Long hair from £75
Panel trim (belly) if you are struggling with mats/tangles there this is the kindest way to remove them for your cat add £15
Nail trims are included on any cat appointments either brush out or full groom as their nails are hooked can cause more problems to us if they are not trimmed.
Office location
Breachwood, The Street, Stowlangtoft, IP31 3JNGive us a ring
07775 316330Send us an email
[email protected]Other website
www.thestressfreegroomer.comWant to reach out? - find out more about how we can help you and your beloved pet
Fill in the form and we will get back to you.
We aim to get back to you as soon as we can, but if you message at the weekend we we don't respond on a Sunday